A great way to entertain your little one on a rainy day while spending quality time together exploring music and sounds.
What You'll Need:
Aluminum foil roll
Aluminum foil
Duct tape
Small bowl of rice/small pasta
Wooden spoon
5 Easy Steps:
Tape one end of the foil roll with duct tape
Fold an aluminum foil piece into a strip, then help your toddler twist the foil strip around a wooden spoon handle to a snake shape
Help your child insert the foil snake into the roll (without the spoon)
Help your child pour the rice/pasta into the funnel and into the tube
Tape the second end of the tube with more duct tape
Make the Most Out Of It!
Enjoy quality time doing craft and exploring sound and music!
Show your child videos of different rain sounds -rain in the forest, jungle rain, rainstorm, soft rain – and talk of how the same things might sound quite different.
Get creative together with your child! Color and decorate the rainsticks with different colors, washy tape, and stickers!
Try making a few rainsticks with different “fillings” – lentils, small pasta, rice etc. and explore the different sounds they make.
Play songs you like and let your child play along is an amazing way to make your little one engage with music!