A fun and simple way to decorate for your little one’s birthday party with GooGoo and GaaGaa balloons!

What you’ll need:
Pink and blue balloons
White and black paper
Black and blue markers
Pink pipe cleaner
Pink pompoms
Double sided tape
Easy Steps:
Blow up your pink and blue balloons
Cut out large white circles and smaller black circles for the eyes
Glue the black circles in the white circles and tape on to the balloon
Using your black marker, draw a smile
For GooGoo:
Using your blue marker, draw a swirl on the top for the curl in his hair
For GaaGaa:
Cut your pink pipe cleaners into 6 or 8 even strips
Stick 3 or 4 of them into each pompom
Glue or tape the pompom on to each side of the top of the balloon for her pigtails
Decorate and enjoy your party!