First play-dates can be wonderful experiences. Ones that will leave your toddlers asking for more and encourage their social skills and abilities. To help you and your little ones on this great adventure, below are a few tips for a successful first play-date!

1. Timing is everything – Set the play-date time for about half an hour after your toddlers wake from their nap. This way, they will be well rested and ready for new and exciting experiences.
2. Short and sweet! Plan for the play-date to last about an hour. You don’t want your toddlers to tire out and get cranky.
3. Go to the park or the playground! Playing outdoors can keep your little ones from getting bored with the toys they are used to at home and keep them engaged with their friends.
4. Be friendly! Always bring out toys and games that are to be shared, put away toys that your kid won't like to share.
5. Plan one structured activity – Just in case things don't start off on they’re own.
6. Start small – Invite just one or two other kids so your little ones don't get overwhelmed.
7. Prepare your child – Let them know who is coming, when, and for how long. Give them a few options of different games or toys they can play with.
8. Arrange a snack – Put out a healthy treat for your toddlers, their friends and their parents. Snacks can be a great ice breaker. Don’t forget to ask about food allergies.
9. Be ready to mediate - Sit back and let them play, but be ready to intervene and help them figure out how to deal with any arguments that might arise.
10. Have your own play-date - Use the time your children are playing to make friends with their parents.