Make your very own puppy puppet for your kids to play with. Simple to create and tons to fun to play with. This DIY toy is sure to beat your children’s boredom blues and enhance their creativity and imagination!

What you’ll need:
2 toilet paper tubes
Googly eyes
Bendy straws
Thick thread
Craft sticks
Easy Steps:
Paint your toilet paper tubes
Once dry, cut one tube in half and set aside
Using the remaining half, cut out ears for the dog
Glue on top of other half, creating the dogs head and ears
Place googly eyes and draw the dog’s face
Poke 4 holes on the bottom of the full toilet paper tube (for the legs)
Insert 2 pieces of thread from the two holes on either side
Cut the “bendy” part of 4 straws and insert them in to the thread hanging down for the legs, tying a knot at the end (see image)
Poke 2 holes on the opposite ends of the top of the body
Paint and glue 2 craft sticks to form an X shape
Insert a long piece of thread through both holes and tie across the center of the craft sticks – creating your puppet!
Now your little ones can use their imagination and take their little puppy for a walk!