Make a fun and colorful DIY toy. Making your own kaleidoscope is a great arts and crafts activity for your kids on a rainy winter day.

What you’ll need:
Paper towel roll
Markers, crayons, paint, washi tape, etc (for decorating)
Hot glue
Clear plastic
Reflective paper
Colorful beads
Easy Steps:
Let your little ones decorate their paper towel roll
Cut the clear plastic into two circles. Cut one a little smaller than the tube (to fit inside) and the other a little larger than the tube (to cover the opening)
Using hot glue, adhere the smaller circle ¼ way into the tube
Fill with colorful beads
Glue the bigger plastic circle on top of the opening in order to seal the beads into the tube
Cut the reflective paper to measure as long as the rest of the tube (from the beads down)
Fold the reflective paper into a triangle (see image) and tape together to hold the shape
Insert into the tube
Let your little ones see the world in a new way!